
Support This Project

How To Contribute

If you like the project and if you believe on improving usability/accessibility of computers, you can contribute to this project. There are two main ways to contribute:
  1. Make a donation. Using the left button "Support This Project", you can choose to give money (starting from $5) to the project. Through your money I will able to buy other components for the next MouseGlove, improving the quality of the project. Next immediate expensivness that I need regards a bluetooth module to make MouseGlove wireless incrementing the accessibility and the usbility of MouseGlove

  2. Take source code. Take source code and build your own MouseGlove. Improve it and send me back source codes and pictures of your version. I'll upgrade this site with your project' pictures, codes and schematics. eMail everything to this address: [ mramilli AT GMAIL dot com ]